Chinese supercomputer

China's Thien Ha 2 (Tianhe 2) supercomputer began to test and serve the needs of the community, while the system continued to be tweaked and debugged.

>>>Tianhe-2 is still the fastest supercomputer in the world

Popsci said, Thien Ha 2 supercomputer was placed in a large room in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province and began serving the needs of the community since April. Thien Ha 2 has a speed of 33.86 petaflop , or 33.86 million calculations per second, the theoretical peak processing speed of 54.9 petaflops. It consists of 16,000 intersections, more than three million computer cores, uses 80,000 Intel Xeon processor boards, China's FT-1500 processor system and has the operating system Kylin Linux.

Picture 1 of Chinese supercomputer
A corner of Tianhe-2 supercomputer in a large room in Guangzhou.(Photo: Rex Features)

According to experts, supercomputers serve the needs of scientific research, including molecular scale physics, weather forecasts and astronomical signal processing. The technology behind supercomputers is also used for military purposes such as simulating nuclear weapons testing and decoding.

Thien Ha 2 still holds the record as the strongest computer in the world, since the time of recognition in November last year. The supercomputer of the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center is second with a speed of only half of 17.59 petaflop.

Supercomputers were put into operation in December last year, ahead of plans set for 2015 and cost $ 390 million. The system was designed and developed by a team of experts from the National Defense Technology University (NUDT) and Inspur Information Technology Company.

Thien Ha 2 is a research result that belongs to a Chinese science and technology program called 863, which began in the 1980s. The program was implemented to promote the field of scientific and technological research. news and aviation. In addition to Thien Ha 2, experts have developed 205 other high-speed supercomputers and many anti-satellite laser systems.