Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

With an estimated weight of 605 tons, this creature beats every animal on Earth to become the largest animal of its size.

With an estimated weight of 605 tons, this creature beats every animal on Earth to become the largest animal of its size.

If asked, what is the biggest creature on Earth - will you answer? Certainly you will be quick to say, this creature is a whale or a whale fish because of their massive shock.

However, the name of the most recently published creature of the planet has made many people fall back - this title belongs to a species of . fungus named Armillaria.

Is it amazing? Now we will learn about the close-up of this creature, and why it is dubbed the "largest creature of the earth" .

Armillaria mushrooms - killer mushrooms with giant trees

Living primarily in the Americas, stretching across the continent from Canada to Brazil, Armillaria mushrooms are a parasite that lives on trees, from small bushes to large trees.

Besides the scientific name Armillaria, this mushroom is also known as "Honey Mushroom" or "Humongous Fungus".

Picture 1 of Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

Armillaria mushrooms.

This is a fungus that is harmful to plants . They are identified as pathogens of white root rot in the forest and can invade the entire old forest.

Not only that, the fungus is not only "eaten by beans" like other parasites, but " stingy " is so persistent that it can kill host plants. They also contain a number of special enzymes that help them to self-glow in the dark.

Picture 2 of Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

Tree trunks that are "clinging" like this will often die .

Why is Armillaria mushroom the largest organism?

In fact, each individual Armillaria mushroom is quite small in size, nothing too strange. However, this fungus has a very special root system, which helps each individual be able to bind to another Armillaria mushroom.

Picture 3 of Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

The roots of honey mushrooms link together into a homogeneous body.

This fungus proliferate very simply. They can grow right after it rains or when it is wet. They often reside to absorb nutrients on living trees or try to remnant what is left in the dead tree trunk.

When an Armillaria mushroom is placed next to another relative, their roots will immediately catch waves and connect, "fusing" to form a unified whole.

Picture 4 of Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

When the roots are connected, the mushrooms will immediately carry the same set of genes .

Thanks to this, Armillaria mushroom individuals grow parasites on living trees that will have enough nutrients to feed individuals that grow on "dead" plants . And once . "back to the same house" , just a mushroom for nutrition can feed a whole network of populations.

A special point is that when the roots are connected, the mushrooms will immediately carry the same set of genes. Due to this ability, a population of Armillaria mushrooms, although composed of many mushrooms, are still recognized as a single body - rather than Armillaria 's "large body" .

Picture 5 of Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

This mushroom is also called honey mushroom.

On Earth there are so many "big bodies" , one of which has the "individual mushroom" found in the Malheur National Forest, Oregon State (USA), considered the largest planet . This "big body" is up to 10 square kilometers - equivalent to 0.14% of the forest area.

Picture 6 of Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

These mushroom clusters are linked together.

Not only possessing a huge body part, the weight of Armillaria mushrooms also scared many people.

It is estimated that this "great body" of millions of Armillaria mushrooms weighs 605 tons - a number that no creature can "support ".

Picture 7 of Close-up of 'monsters' has the largest body in the world

The population of fungi has an age of up to 2400 - 8650 years.

But not only that, to get a "biggest planet" body , the mushroom population also has a terrible age - about 2,400 to 8,650 years.

With the constant incorporation of new members, the "great body" of Armillaria mushrooms, which is of great age, is also inevitable.

Update 17 December 2018



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