Complete map of human genome

Scientists have published the complete sequence of chromosome number 1 - the last and longest chapter in the so-called "book of life" that makes up the genome of humankind.

Picture 1 of Complete map of human genome

Chromosome number 1, and the largest, is now decoded.( Photo: Nature )

The sequence was published in the British journal Nature.

Researchers have identified 3,141 genes and disabilities associated with more than 350 diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, high cholesterol, mental retardation and nervous system disorders. .

Chromosome 1 contains more than 223 million pairs of nucleotides - "bars" in the double-helix structure of DNA that provides the basic chemical formula for life. This number accounts for nearly 8% of the 3 billion pairs in the human genome.

Chromosome 22 has the least pairs of nucleotides. Between it and chromosome 1 (most pairs) is 22 other chromosomes. Particularly X and Y chromosomes only participate in sex regulation.

The announcement of the first chromosome ended the Human Genome Project, which lasted for 16 years. It is a collaborative product between American, British and Japanese, French, German, Chinese and other countries.

The team had to race with a private US company - Celera Genomics Group - to become the first group to complete a "draft" of 90% of the genetic code.

The race ended in June 2002, when Celera announced to withdraw from the race to decode human genes to divert business.

" This event marked the turning point of growth wave of biomedical research based on human gene sequencing ," said Simon Gregory, an assistant professor at Duke University.

T. An