Computers can recognize user moods

Spanish scientists have studied a new computer software, when installed, it allows the machine to recognize the user's emotional state during oral communication (when used as a phone). .

Through a unique software, the computer can recognize and operate according to the user's mood.

According to Cnews , software created by University of Carlos III experts and University of Spain's de Granada has the ability to adapt to different situations in the dialogue between users, thus, the machine expressed in accordance with the emotional state of people.

Picture 1 of Computers can recognize user moods

First of all, scientists focus on negative emotions such as anger, boredom and suspicion, adversely affecting the work and the relationship between the two dialogues. In order to detect these nuances, the computer must analyze 60 different characteristics of the voice, the speed of speech, the time to stop between sentences, the energy of the speech signals .

Such information in a conversation is used to guess the emotional state when two people talk to each other. That prediction achieves high accuracy thanks to a special statistical algorithm, analysis of previous conversations, and comparison with the ongoing conversation.

Thus the machine will understand the development of the conversation and will actively limit the negative emotional state. For example, if the user has a suspicious mood, the computer will adjust itself to a positive, definitive voice, the user seems bored, the device will turn into a happy voice, angry into a peaceful one . It even solves minor conflicts.

The effectiveness of this computer's emotional nuance software has been tested with the participation of many volunteers. The results show that not only does it help the interlocutor, but when using the actual software, the computer works better and more flexible than the normal interface. In particular, it conducts dialogues more quickly, more successfully.