Contact with dogs helps children reduce their risk of asthma

US scientists have discovered a type of dog bacterium that helps boost a child's immune system against asthma, according to Discovery News.

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Children with respiratory viral infection (RSV) are at high risk of asthma.

But after testing dust in families with dogs, scientists at the University of California (USA) found in dust containing a bacterium against RSV.

Picture 1 of Contact with dogs helps children reduce their risk of asthma

To test the effectiveness of dust protection against bacteria against RSV, scientists collected dust from families with dogs and mixed them into a solution, then fed them to rats.

After one week, the scientists placed RSV in the mice and compared it to another group of mice that were also exposed to RSV but were not allowed to eat the solution containing dust. They also compared these two groups of mice to a healthy group of mice.

As a result, the mice with the dust solution did not develop symptoms related to RSV.

According to Dr. Kei Fujimura, a researcher in molecular biology at the University of California (USA), research results are the first step for therapy to protect children against RSV and reduce the development of asthma. asthma for a long time.

The study also supports the hypothesis that early childhood exposure to animals stimulates the immune system to fight asthma and other allergies, Dr. Fujimura added.

Reference: Discovery