Control others with thoughts

Bancang is a land of many extrasensory people Prominent among those with special abilities are Mr. Milos Miloevis, 65 years old, Czech Republic. When I was a young boy, when he was going to the sheep, the young Brancan just needed to take his eyes, not needing to give orders by words

Bancang is a land of many extrasensory people Prominent among those with special abilities are Mr. Milos Miloevis, 65 years old, Czech Republic.

Picture 1 of Control others with thoughts
When I was a young boy, when he went to shepherd, the young Brancan just needed to give his eyes, no need to give orders by words, but the whole flock followed.

In the long-standing air strikes against Yugoslavia by US and NATO aircraft a few years ago, his telepathic resources worked best to serve his compatriots.

Military houses brought a map asking him to point out where the enemy would strike. The vast majority of his instructions and caveats are accurate.

Many times he told people not to hide under big oak trees. As expected, just a few moments later, the bombs dropped fell down.

In peacetime, the kind-hearted old Santa's psychic is used primarily to find lost peanuts, animals, and precious jewelry. In order to show exactly where the person or treasure is, he needs related objects.

Once, a resident of the town asked him to find a lost car. Even the image of the owner's car can't be kept. Mr. Francis asked, ' What about anything related to that car ?'

The car driver took him down to the warehouse and pointed to the old leather chair, saying: ' This is his chair, I have replaced it with a newer one !'. Mr. Francis sat down, then said very confidently: 'Your car has been painted in a pale blue color by the crook, and he is staying at a private maintenance station. Can you remember some more characteristics of your car ? '. ' Above the roof, there is a slight collapse due to a log falling. I have fixed it, but from the inside of the car I can still see the crumple even after repainting . ' With that characteristic the police came. Before the indisputable evidence, crooks pleaded guilty.

Mr. Francis did not go to college, his whole life as a carpenter to earn a living, on the contrary, he read a lot of books, especially books on psychological and cognitive mysteries in humans. Regarding his special ability, he has his own thoughts.

According to him, physical body is a special program originating from the stage of the fetus. For example, lifting a 50kg ballerina will be much easier than lifting a bag of potatoes with that weight. There are many people who send high voltage current through their bodies and still remain the same.

According to him, the idea in humans is also a physical quantity that scientists have not measured units such as measuring weight or traction. Do not measure, not studied to the head, to chopsticks should not be used.

In early December 2005, in the village, a man, after going to the wedding in the next village, had an affair with his wife. Hearing the women calling for help, Francis pushed the gate into the middle of when the drunk husband grabbed his wife with the bed sheet still wet and was lowering his forearm.

He glared at the guy again and immediately stopped him. He looked for a few more seconds, the other man howled, his hands aching to numb, his wife slipped out of his hand. Then another miraculous thing: The wet bed sheet was now dry.

Brahman's telepathy and his ability to manipulate people by his thoughts and not the verbal commands are really interesting, and have long attracted the attention of the scientific community of the regional nations. Bancang.

Many times the Science Council of the Institute of General Health Care of Bengre invited him to dialogue and take part in the experiment, but so far has not found a satisfactory explanation based on scientific arguments. sure.

Trinh Van Quy ('Evidence and Events', Russia )

Update 15 December 2018



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