Convenient with a unique storm-proof house

We are no stranger to information about the storms or flash floods that have come all over the world, such as Hurricane Sandy in the US or Hurricane Jelawat that landed on Japan's Honshu Island. In addition to the heavy losses of people, the house has become a significant loss for people everywhere.

Picture 1 of Convenient with a unique storm-proof house

Michel Antoun Zateef, a construction designer could not sit still when people suffered such great losses. A temporary mobile home is created with the sole purpose of helping people shelter in emergency conditions such as earthquakes, flash floods, or fires. With a simple cube structure, compact fiber material, the weight of the house is quite light, making it easy and flexible to move the position. The second feature of this smart design is the open mechanism of the house, you just need to lower one side to create a separate space between rooms.

Let's take a look at this novel design:

Picture 2 of Convenient with a unique storm-proof house

Picture 3 of Convenient with a unique storm-proof house

Picture 4 of Convenient with a unique storm-proof house