Cucumber - 'good friend' of the eyes

Picture 1 of Cucumber - 'good friend' of the eyes Research by German medical experts suggests cucumbers are very good for treating swollen eyes.

Many people in the morning when they wake up or sit all day working in front of a computer, often suffer from eye swelling. Through research, medical experts determined that the cause of swelling in the eye is that while sleeping there is a lymphe that stops in the skin around the eye area. This phenomenon usually occurs in the case of little sleep, salty eating or long-term viewing on the screen.

In order to overcome this problem, experts recommend that first of all should get enough sleep, on the other hand can use some "tips" to help the eye quickly return to normal state as simple as using cucumber cut Pouring on the swollen eye area 10 to 15 minutes, can also do the same with cold milk absorbent cotton, metal spoon for cold, but not too cold will damage the eyes, organs are very sensitive.

However, doctors also warn that if the eyes wake up not only swollen but also itchy and burning, the eyelashes sticking together are not caused by lymphocytes, which are caused by allergies or inflammation. . In this case, you need to see a specialist.