3 types of fruits that are not so, prove sometimes do not believe in your eyes

These are all strange fruits, dubbed the "odd" most on the planet.

The world we live in is really colorful and not too much to say that they are "virtual".

Because there are things even if you "see the ears" but still think so but not so. Especially the series of fruits below. You will probably have to say that this world is too sudden and you will understand - sometimes don't fool your eyes.

1. Stop salmon eggs but it turns out to be . another thing

Picture 1 of 3 types of fruits that are not so, prove sometimes do not believe in your eyes
Try looking at this picture and guess what green seeds on the other food are?

Picture 2 of 3 types of fruits that are not so, prove sometimes do not believe in your eyes
A little closer!

Have you guessed it yet? Bet you will say - salmon eggs? But try it out you know you're cheated.

In fact, those green seeds are lemon - Australia (Australian finger lime) . This is a strange lemon, with finger-shaped fruit, about 10cm long, 3cm in diameter. Lemon peel finger can be separated like grapefruit, looks like salmon eggs.

One of the points that makes the difference of lemon finger is the taste. According to many experts, each of the succulent lemon cloves has a combination of lemon and lemon flavor, if you eat fresh seafood like sushi and sashimi, it's great.

Finger lemon is a favorite spice for chefs of 5-star hotels, high-end restaurants to prepare dishes, especially seafood, salads .

2. Thought chom chom that turns out cucumber

Surely, when you look at this kind of fruit, many of you will assert that it is the rambutan. Because of the shape, the color is like that, it's just "green, young".

Picture 3 of 3 types of fruits that are not so, prove sometimes do not believe in your eyes
Do you think this is rambutan?

But, if you say that it is rambutan, you are wrong. The truth . they are muscle cucumbers.

As one of the rare cucumber varieties in South Africa, this Cucumis Dipsaceu cucumber is used primarily for ornamental purposes.

Like other cucumbers, hairy cucumbers are also vines. If well cared for, the tree can grow to about 3m long. Each of these cucumber fruits is about 3 - 5cm long and about 2.4cm in diameter.

Picture 4 of 3 types of fruits that are not so, prove sometimes do not believe in your eyes
The outside is like rambutan but inside is cucumber.

Not only used as a scene, but cucumber can also be used as food as a vegetable on bread or to marinate salt cucumber. In addition, their juice is used to apply to hair to prevent hair loss.

A bit more special, this unique cucumber leaf is known to housewives in South Africa as a popular vegetable. When eating their leaves it tastes like eating spinach.

3. The sight is gac, but it can be tricked

Guess what kind of fruit is below? It is likely that 99.99% of people who look at it will be gac.

Picture 5 of 3 types of fruits that are not so, prove sometimes do not believe in your eyes
Looking at everyone's guess, this is gac fruit, right?

But this is another cucumber named Gak Cucumber (or Spring Bitter Cucumber) . This is a cucumber variety commonly grown and sold in Thailand.

This fruit tastes bitter and sweet, contains high levels of betacarotene, which helps to maintain eyesight. Gak cucumber also has high nutritional content like carbohydrates, fiber, protein, phosphorus calcium, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin.

Picture 6 of 3 types of fruits that are not so, prove sometimes do not believe in your eyes
In fact, this is a cucumber named Gak Cucumber.

Gak cucumber is considered to be one of the best fruits for health, used to cure a number of diseases such as fever, back pain, .