'Demon Particle' from another dimension appeared all over the Earth?

Cosmic relic from another dimension may be the invisible ghostly particles that make up the so-called dark matter that scientists around the world are pursuing.

Cosmic relic from another dimension may be the invisible ghostly particles that make up the so-called dark matter that scientists around the world are pursuing.

The joint research between the University of Lyon (France) and the University of Korea has assembled many mysterious pieces and found the most likely origin of the mystery called "dark matter".

Dark matter is invisible, but scientists around the world have found evidence of its presence, often due to interactions between dark matter and visible things. Dark matter probably makes up most of the mass of the universe.

Our own Earth is said to be in the midst of a storm of dark matter, its invisible and harmless "ghost particles" swarming through space around us.

Picture 1 of 'Demon Particle' from another dimension appeared all over the Earth?

Additional graphic capture from the Hayden Planetarium Dark Space Program, American Museum of Natural History shows that dark matter exists around us as ghostly black threads, enveloping everything in space .

Citing research in Live Science, the elusive "ghost particles" from this matter were originally thought to be massive particles, known as gravitons, that appeared in the first moments after the explosion. Big Bang, created by collisions of ordinary particles.

But in a study published in Physical Review Letters, physicist Giacomo Cacciapalia from the University of Lyon (France), the lead author, said that if graviton had such properties, it would be very rare and impossible to form matter. darkness fills the universe.

This new study suggests that gravitons must have masses less than 1 megaelectronvolt (MeV), much less than the particles that make up ordinary matter. For example, 1 proton weighs up to 940 MeV.

According to Science Alert, the team also found hypothetical appeals when looking for evidence of extra dimensions - other dimensions - that some physicists suspect exist parallel to the important three-dimensional space. observable and time - what is known as the fourth dimension.

The team's new theory shows that as gravity travels across dimensions, it manifests itself in our universe as massive gravitational particles. These particles will only interact weakly with ordinary matter and are therefore difficult to detect.

Also thanks to the weak interaction, the particles that make up dark matter decay so slowly that they remain stable throughout the existence of the universe.

The team believes that particle accelerators such as the Future Circular Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) - scheduled to start operating in 2035 - will be powerful enough to search with direct evidence from these "devil particles".

Update 13 April 2022



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