Detect a small monkey with a flower

At first glance at the photo, people will think this monkey is fake, but it exists 100% real.

With a total body length of 14 to 16 cm, weighing about 1.2 lbs it looks just as small as a gerbera.

This dwarf monkey was confiscated by Peruvian police in the pocket of a man's shirt in early August. It has now been sent to the primate rescue and rehabilitation center near the Chilean city of Santiago.

Picture 1 of Detect a small monkey with a flower

The dwarf monkey is rescued in Peru .Photo: New Scientist

This monkey belongs to the pygmy monkey marmoset, whose scientific name is Callithrix pygmaea and is the world's smallest primate. They often live in the South American rainforest canopy. However, this is also recognized as the smallest dwarf monkey ever discovered.

The dwarf monkey was first known by the Korean zoologist Marc van Roosmalin. For the first time, he found two representatives of this species in a forest 300 kilometers from Brazil's Manas city in late May 2005. Each monkey is 20cm long. They were named Maniche and Acari and were recognized as the smallest monkeys in the world at the time.