Detect 'alien skull' on Mars

UFO identifiers claim they have detected an 'alien skull' on Mars after NASA published satellite images taken from the planet.

Picture 1 of Detect 'alien skull' on Mars

The photo of the Red Planet's surface was captured by NASA's Mars Mars explorer robot. At first glance, the skull is just a regular stone. However, cosmic observers are constantly talking about this oddly shaped cosmic rock.

The stone lies in the middle of Mars's rock pile and seems to be exposed to more sunshine than other stones. But what makes it so different is that it has 2 eye sockets, nose, mouth and even chin. These characteristics make people think this might be a Martian skull.

Internet forums are flooded with comments about photos. A person who identifies unidentified flying objects writes: 'The skull is 15cm long, 2 eye sockets are 5cm apart. The skull seems to have a small mouth, so this creature is more likely to be a carnivore. '

Previous photographs of a skull on Mars, discovered in 2006, are believed to be fake.

In 1971, the Viking probe also captured a famous face on Mars in 1971. However, it was proved that it was a trick of light when the exploration ship photographed the area. this in 1998.