Detecting areas in the brain related to violence

The study of neuroscience has allowed the discovery of areas in the brain that play a key role in violent acts, helping to prevent massacres like the case at the recent Virginia Tech University.

According to Dr. Allan Siegle, neurology specialist at the University of New Jersey (USA), the murderer's brain contains a lot of information. Since about 40 years, many animal and clinical studies have demonstrated that there are areas in the brain that are involved in violence and aggression.

Picture 1 of Detecting areas in the brain related to violence (Photo: HTV) Dr. Siegle confirmed that the forehead area is also called Broca region and the limbic system - where emotions arise - interferes with violent acts.

In 1848, the relationship between Broca region and the acts of violence was first demonstrated. At that time, a railroad worker in the United States suffered a traumatic brain injury that damaged the Broca area. He survived but after the accident completely changed personality, became aggressive and tempered.

Another case is a murderer at the University of Texas (USA) who killed 16 people in 1966 with a tumor in the Broca area.

Another study conducted by the American Society of Neurology confirms that traumatic children under the age of 7 in Broca region will develop unusual social behaviors, unable to control anger and mind. disappointment.

According to the researchers, the Broca region functions to control impulses by contacting other areas of the brain such as the amygdala. This brain region plays an important role in the management of anger and aggression.