Detecting strange diseases from bugs carrying viruses in China

Chinese scientists have discovered a new, very dangerous infection that has a high mortality rate due to the spread of bugs.

China has just discovered a virus-propagating agent thanks to a careful study of an all-new outbreak with a high mortality rate, which appeared in March 2009.

Picture 1 of Detecting strange diseases from bugs carrying viruses in China
New bugs carrying dangerous viruses were discovered. (Image is enlarged)

That summer, scientists separated from the biomass material of a strange patient with a virus that had previously never known DNA. Later the virus was found in all co-patients. In the process of searching for infectious pathogens, scientists studied mosquitoes and other types of mites in the locality where the disease is raging.

It was discovered that 5.4% of the bugs called chinamite caught the new virus and claimed to be the culprit. In order to have firm conclusions about the relationship between disease and bugs, as well as to determine the vector of transmission still need more research.

Infections found by Chinese scientists are called ' Thrombocytopenia '. It first damages the platelets and limpho cells (lymphocytes) of patients and quickly leads to destruction of other organs in the patient's body. The death rate of people with this disease is up to 12%.