Detection of extremely rare dinosaur fossils in the UK

British scientists have discovered an extremely rare fossil of sauropod dinosaurs, a giant reptile group eating plants that existed during Jurassic period. Fossils date back to 176 million years and are the oldest fossil dinosaur sauropod in England.

Extremely rare dinosaur fossils in the UK

Scientists say fossils have just been found to be extremely rare because the Jurassic vestiges are usually found only in some parts of the world, such as China and Argentina.

Picture 1 of Detection of extremely rare dinosaur fossils in the UK
Sauropod dinosaur species - Artwork

The dinosaur was nicknamed Alan . Fossil is Alan's vertebra, discovered near the coast of Yorkshire, in the north of England. The vertebra is 29 cm long, 11 cm high, weighs about 15 kg.

Sauropods lived in the Jurassic period, 176 million years ago. Some species of the sauropod group are the largest creatures that ever walk on the ground, characterized by a long neck, small head, massive body standing on large legs. In particular, Argentinosaurus dinosaurs can be up to 35 m long, weighs 85 tons.

Picture 2 of Detection of extremely rare dinosaur fossils in the UK
Sauropod dinosaur fossil has just been found - (Daily Mail screenshot)

Alan 's fossil bones are stored in the Yorkshire Museum in York City, Yorkshire County (England). The Manchester University team led by Professor Phil Manning has been conducting research and using X-rays for fossilized tomography.

Jurassic fossil samples play an important role, helping provide scientists with evidence of the distribution and evolution of dinosaurs - a member of the research team, Dr. Victoria Egerton, said.

The fossil will be officially on display for the public on the 8.6, at the Yorkshire Museum.