Discover 900-year-old gold artifacts in Israel

The Israeli Antiquities Agency said on Tuesday that 24 gold coins and an earring were discovered in the ancient Caesarea port area in northern Israel.

These artifacts were found inside a copper jar, located between two rocks in a well wall in an old house of Caesarea World Heritage Site.

Picture 1 of Discover 900-year-old gold artifacts in Israel
A gold coin is found.(Source: AFP).

According to the agency, these objects may have been left or never been recovered during the period of the Crusaders conquering the region 900 years ago.

They are related to the 1101 Crusade in Caesarea, which is considered one of the most tragic events in the city's medieval history.

At that time, only 1-2 gold coins among the above coins were worth the equivalent of the annual salary of a normal rancher and therefore, it is likely that the owner of these coins must be human rich or trading, trading.

According to researchers, the majority of Caesarea residents were massacred by King Baldwin I (1100-1118) troops during this period. Therefore, the owners of these antiques may have died in this massacre or were sold into slavery, so he could not find these antiques again.