Discover the mystery of spider silk

Studies on spider web have revealed the secrets behind the extraordinary structure of natural silk, which is a powerful weapon for multi-label species.

Studies on spider web have revealed the secrets behind the extraordinary structure of natural silk, which is a powerful weapon for multi-label species.

>>>Super durable material from spider silk

Picture 1 of Discover the mystery of spider silk

Spider silk is one of nature's most supple materials - (Photo: Jeffery Yarger)

Using laser light techniques, scientists at the University of Arizona (USA) have identified a series of components that create elastic properties in silk of some intact spider webs.

'Spider silk is the unique combination of mechanical strength and elasticity, turning it into one of the most solid materials we have ever known,' according to the Science Daily, a professor of chemistry. and biochemical Jeffery Yarger.

According to Jeffery Yarger, the study provided the most comprehensive understanding of the mysterious mechanical properties of spider webs.

Spider silk is a form of bio-polymer, linked to collagen in skin and bones, but much more complicated in structure. Experts found that such delicate threads were at least five times more stringent than piano strings, compared to weight.

Scientists hope that the results of this study will lead to the creation of super durable materials, from bulletproof vests to artificial ligaments.

Update 18 December 2018



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