Discovered a more herbivorous dinosaur

Paleontologists at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered a new herbivorous dinosaur based on a skeleton discovered in western New Mexico state (USA).

Their incomplete skeletons include graves of skulls, several lumbar vertebrae and small pieces of ribs. By specialized methods, the new dinosaur species has a scientific name is Jeyawati rugoculus , living mainly in the swamp forest ecosystem. They are most developed along inland beaches 91 million years ago.

The name of the new dinosaur means 'creaking mouth and wavy eyes'. They are herbivores, the food is mainly ancient ferns and conifers.

Picture 1 of Discovered a more herbivorous dinosaur

Images are experts simulating new herbivorous dinosaurs.

The Jeyawati species are closely related to the previously discovered duck beak dinosaur hadrosaur, which is common in the Northern hemisphere during the late Cretaceous period, about 65-80 million years ago. According to the simulation, Jeyawati also retains many of the original characteristics of teeth and jaws of the dinosaur hadrosaur.

The word Jeyawati is pronounced in two hours in the language of the Zuni - an indigenous American race, living along the river Zuni, west of New Mexico. This name relates to the evolved complex chewing apparatus of herbivores.

The second part of the name dinosaur, rugoculus , is a Latin word, consisting of ruga and oculus , meaning wavy eyes. It describes the unique function of this new dinosaur. One of the bones that holds its pores forms a concave outer appearance, which can help this species have a wider view in the front and back of the eye.

Dr. Andrew Mc.Donald, the leader of the study, commented: 'The new dinosaurs seem to endure a very difficult life. Some broken ribs show signs of swelling and rough surfaces. That said, this animal has been hurt or broken ribs several times in life. The damage has recovered before the animal dies. '

Picture 2 of Discovered a more herbivorous dinosaur

Fossil bone samples of new dinosaurs, including a part of the skull, burning the spine and fragments of the ribs.

Fossils of new herbivorous dinosaurs have been discovered since 1996. But until this discovery, Jeyawati was classified as an unclassified dinosaur and animal for nearly 15 years.

According to Mr. Donald, based on the fossils collected, we can assume that dinosaurs go by four limbs, but are also able to stand on the two limbs.

The bones of Jeyawati were taken to Arizona Natural History Museum (USA) to keep with many newly discovered dinosaur samples in the area. Among them is the horned zuniceratops , or a strange monster that feeds on Nothronychus .

Source: Science Daily