Discovered a new ancient Egyptian king

The list of ancient Egyptian pharaohs will probably have to be corrected by the arrival of a new king, Egyptian Minister of Ancient Monuments Mohammed Ibrahim, has issued a statement last week.

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On the remnant carvings of a limestone door in the temple of Karnak, the team led by the French-educated Egyptian Christophe Thiers from the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) found see the name of this king.

Under the 17th Pharaoh dynasty in Egyptian history (around 1634-1543 BC), hieroglyphs written in the limestone door show a connection with the god Amun-Re (the god of governance) weather, agriculture). In addition, the details reveal the identity of its owner - who ordered the construction of this architecture - the pharaoh named Senakht-en-Re.

Picture 1 of Discovered a new ancient Egyptian king
Archaeologists are conducting excavations at the temple of Karnak. (Photo: CNRS)

Only mentioned in some ancient documents, there are no any artifacts or relics that have ever been found in his name, Senakht-en-Re becomes one of the least known kings of the dynasty. 17th century, his grave is still a great mystery.

Analyzing more hieroglyphs, the team found Senakht-en-Re carried out the entrance with limestone blocks transported from Tora (Helwan province area, south of present-day Cairo).

At that time, it was under the control of the Hyksos - the ancient Asian group infiltrated Egypt and dominated the Nile valley for more than a century (1664-1569 BC). Later, they were driven by Kamose, the last king of the 17th dynasty and Amhose his younger brother, the first king of the 18th dynasty.

According to Minister Mohammed Ibrahim, this is a "breakthrough discovery" for the history of ancient Egypt in general and the 17th dynasty history in particular and 'Karnak temple still contains many secrets to be discovered'.