Discovered frog species know nesting

Indian scientists claim to have discovered a species of frog capable of nesting to lay eggs. According to Dr. SD Biju, of Delhi University, this frog is nesting to keep the temperature stable and evade enemies.

Picture 1 of Discovered frog species know nesting

The nest frog discovered in India is considered extremely rare.(Photo: BBC)

This frog is found in a tropical rainforest located on the Western Ghats in southern India in the states of Kerala and Karnataka.

This frog is about 12cm long, knows how to create a cocoon and releases glue to protect eggs.

' This is a very rare frog, only in this mountain. I went through about 20 studies of this mountain to find them. 'Mr. Dr Biju answered the interview.

He said that the frog is different from frogs nesting in the Americas and Africa in that the male takes leaves to nest after the female lays eggs, while the other species nest during egg laying and Both males and females work together.

However, this frog is in danger of extinction due to deforestation for coffee and industrial crops.