Discovered more leakage of contaminated water in Fukushima 1

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said on October 2 that it discovered a leak of contaminated water in the upper part of a storage tank called 'Nam B' in the Fukushima Power Plant No. 1.

>>>60 billion bq of radiation leaks into the Pacific every day

Picture 1 of Discovered more leakage of contaminated water in Fukushima 1
Artwork: fukushimaupdate

With the amount of radioactivity measured from the pool of water around this tank, up to 200,000 becquerels (bq) / liter, TEPCO determines that the contaminated water has leaked from the tank.

According to observations, a part of contaminated water has flowed through the platform to the ground and escaped through the gutter under the cement floor while the side gutter of the tank is connected to the water discharge channel to the port outside the factory.

TEPCO said: 'There is no denying the possibility that radioactive water may have escaped to the sea.'

TEPCO will announce all over the country in accordance with the laws governing the operation of the reactor and at the same time conducting a detailed investigation of how much contaminated water is leaking.