Discovered rare and precious gibbon in Vietnam

The International Conservation Organization (CI) has discovered a rare and endangered white-cheeked crested gibbon in Vietnam, in the northern mountains and forests, bordering Laos.

Scientists say there are about 455 white-cheeked gibbon living in small colonies in the forests of Pu Mat National Park, Nghe An province. The community here accounts for two-thirds of the white gibbon in Vietnam and the only white-cheeked gibbon in the world.

Picture 1 of Discovered rare and precious gibbon in Vietnam
White cheeked gibbon.

" This is an extremely important finding. Pu Mat National Park will be a safe haven for this rare ape species to survive, " said Dr. Russell Mittermeier, president of CI said on AFP.

According to CI, the habitat and hunting status of pet treatment is a big threat to Vietnamese organisms.

The number of white-cheeked gibbon has decreased by more than 80% in the last 45 years, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Resources (IUCN) identifies this species in the red book and only a few in the world and in Laos China.

White cheeked gibbons are considered the "most romantic " among primates because they flirt and mate with their partners with songs.

CI also said they are proposing a plan to build a road through Pu Mat area to increase the Vietnam-Laos border patrol."Without direct protection in Pu Mat National Park, it is possible that this species in Vietnam will disappear in the near future ," said an expert on primates in CI.