Discovering 'The Great Wall' of Siberia

Archaeologists have discovered traces of large city walls near the Altai, Siberia mountains.

The team led by Professor Andrey Borodovsky has discovered the walls of walls dating back more than 3,000 years in Siberia, Russia, and the Siberian Times on August 15.

The city is 6 parallel walls of walls protecting the Altai range from being attacked from the north through the Katun river valley. The walls are as wide as 10m with a height of 8m."To the east of these walls is a fairly wide walkway blocked by other walls in the mountainside," Professor Borodovsky said.

Picture 1 of Discovering 'The Great Wall' of Siberia
Scientists study walls that lie beneath thick soil.(Photo: Andrey Borodovsky).

Located close to the ridge is 9 blocks of walls."Certainly these walls are intended to restrict people from traveling, forcing them to take a narrower path towards the wall builders , " Professor Borodovsky said.

Some parts of the wall were destroyed during the construction of the highways Chuya during the Tsar. The western wall almost completely disappeared during the expansion of Souzga, making photography and research difficult.

So far, archaeological evidence of human traces in the areas around the city walls has been in the Middle Ages. However, researchers from the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology in Novosibirsk believe they will find evidence of the construction of this wall in the earlier period.

Picture 2 of Discovering 'The Great Wall' of Siberia
Diagram of walls to protect the Altai range from north attacks.(Photo: Andrey Borodovsky).

Professor Borodovsky predicted that the walls were built in about 1000 BC, possibly the Iron Age or Bronze Age, but the Iron Age period was higher.

"I rely on the construction of such buildings everywhere during that period, such as the famous Hadrian's wall. The problem is that the archaeological evidence found around the city until now is all in the Middle. ancient, " said Professor Borodovsky.

However, he still believed that in the Middle Ages, there was no community big enough to build such a great building. Besides, they do not need to build walls because of the Middle Ages, there are many small communities scattered here.

Picture 3 of Discovering 'The Great Wall' of Siberia
The Great Wall (China) was built mainly in the 3rd century BC.(Photo: iStock).

"All the impressive defenses in the Eurasian continent were built in the early 1000s BC to about 500 AD. This is the last phase of Bronze - the Iron Head, including during the Hung period before the Great Migration period , Professor Borodovsky added.

To explain it in detail, he gave three reasons.First , this period has abundant human resources due to the prospects of developing an integrated production economy. Second , military conflicts become more serious and scale. Finally, large states and population groups in the primitive state gradually formed with economic, cultural and political boundaries to separate outsiders.

Professor Borodovsky also mentioned some outstanding works built during this period such as the Great Wall (China), Hadrian's wall (England) and Serpent wall (Ukraine).