Discovering the secret to controlling emotions

Those who have difficulty managing emotions, are easily irritated can find solutions by a simple exercise method that scientists have discovered below.

Right-handed people should practice using a computer mouse, stir a cup of coffee or open the door with their left hand. Meanwhile left-handed people should do the opposite.

Picture 1 of Discovering the secret to controlling emotions
Two weeks of using unsteady hands to stir coffee can help you control your anger

Only 2 weeks after exercise will reduce the tendency to act impulsively. Dr Thosmas Denson of the University of New South Wales, Australia, says that practicing self-control above is no different than finding a solution to playing golf or piano.

In studies he has shown that people who try to use their disapproving hands for two weeks will curb their aggression better. Therefore, right-handed people are advised to use their left hand for non-dangerous jobs.

In one trial, participants were scolded by a student, and as a result, self-control participants had a less aggressive reaction.

Dr. Denson and colleagues say that criminals and sociologists have long argued that people often commit crimes when given a chance and when they have difficulty controlling themselves. Mr. Denson said: 'I think the most interesting finding from this shows that if you give aggressive people an opportunity to improve restraint, they will be less aggressive . ' It's not that aggressive people don't want to control themselves but just because they're not good at doing this.

In fact, if you use aggressive human brain scanners and monitor the activity of insulting them, the parts involved in self-control are more active than those less aggressive. Therefore, it can be taught to those who have difficulty controlling anger or are involved in violent issues more easily.