Light can also influence people's emotions

New research shows that the amount of soft light helps us to control our emotions well, make more rational, more informed decisions.

A recent study by scientists at the University of Toronto Scarborough (Canada) has shown that light intensity is capable of controlling people's emotions and decisions. Accordingly, a light amount of light, not too dazzling will help us make rational, more intelligent decisions.

Two researchers Alison Jing Xu and Aparna Labroo conducted a series of studies to test the abnormal paradox of human light and emotions.

Picture 1 of Light can also influence people's emotions
Gentle light reduces the intensity of emotions, allowing you to have a "cool head" when making difficult choices.

Previous studies have shown that people feel more optimistic on sunny days and often have emotional turmoil on gloomy days. But Professor Xu said: "We find that on sunny days, people are more susceptible to depression."

To get this idea, experts surveyed volunteers and asked them to evaluate a variety of things, the sweetness of the sauce, the taste of two types of juice or measure the anger first each situation . in two different lighting conditions.

Experts found that the emotions of volunteers often increased with a strong light intensity, so they would feel the sauce more intense, the characters in the film were more attractive .

Professor Xu believes that the light effect can affect the emotional level, causing many different emotions. She added: " Too much light will affect our reaction and control our emotions . Therefore, with moderate, gentle light intensity will help people make reasonable decisions. more, as well as deal with negotiations more easily ".

The study is published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.