More and more health benefits of coffee are proven, but not everyone drinks coffee, because many people are intoxicated or seriously insomnia even with very little use.

Genetic alterations of the dopamine D2 receptor in the brain are responsible for generating human emotional reactions after listening to music.

New research shows that the amount of soft light helps us to control our emotions well, make more rational, more informed decisions.

The larger the area of the desk, the higher the desire for the power of the entrepreneur, and the desire to urge them to commit fraud.

In the past, stories about a dog who understood the owner's feelings were often considered to be of no scientific value.

According to Nature Biotechnology, American scientists have developed an algorithm to effectively monitor people's moods through brain activity.

MIT researchers have developed a wearable app that detects human emotions when chatting.

With the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) devices, for the first time, science can re-map the human emotional states based on neural activity.