Why is the song so good that our mood is better?

Genetic alterations of the dopamine D2 receptor in the brain are responsible for generating human emotional reactions after listening to music.

Scientists have long wanted to learn about the role of sound in the sense of happiness of people . It could be a good song or noise in the environment, according to the International Business Times. The relationship between sound and mood varies greatly from person to person, because they have differences in dopamine receptors. The research results are published in November 2016 in Neuroscience.

Picture 1 of Why is the song so good that our mood is better?
Listening to music can affect people's mood.(Photo: International Business Times).

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which helps control the reward center and joy in the brain, participating in controlling the mood of people. In the brain, dopamine binds to dopamine receptors D1 and D2. This is also the main goal of antipsychotic medicines, because many mental patients have abnormal levels of dopamine.

Elvira Brattico, a professor at Aarhus University, Denmark, and colleagues learned how variations of the dopamine D2 receptor gene, known as DRD2, affect their emotions when impacted by language. noise and music.

The team conducted magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 38 healthy volunteers as they were experimenting to create emotions by listening to music or noise. Among them, 26 people have a GG variant and 12 people have a GT variant of DRD2 gene. Scientists evaluate the mood changes of volunteers before and after performing tasks.

The results showed that volunteers' moods depend on the genotype and the type of sound they interact with. The mood of the volunteers with the GG variant of the DRD2 gene improved better after listening to music. Meanwhile, the mood of the subject with GT variant becomes worse after hearing the noise.