Genetic alterations of the dopamine D2 receptor in the brain are responsible for generating human emotional reactions after listening to music.

Singing in the bathroom helps people feel more comfortable, more confident, and improve their mood and stress.

Because of the increasing pressure of life, the impact on your mood is not small. Anxiety, depression, mood swings ... these are all inevitable consequences of today's life.

According to Futurism, many people often perceive music as a great catalyst for the mood when working.

When you hug someone, chemicals and hormones are activated to help improve mood, relieve pain, protect the immune system and prevent some diseases.

Reduce stress, improve mood, enhance memory, increase brain volume, increase awareness and reduce the risk of losing your mind when you get old ... are the extreme benefits of

Researchers have just published an interesting fact that listening to sad music will make people feel better.

Recently, American scientists found that just watching a natural TV show or watching photos of green trees online also helped reduce stress.

A quick kiss requires only a few muscle groups, but deep kissing requires the participation of 24 facial muscles plus 100 other muscles in the body.

Crying reduces the level of manganese minerals in the body. Too much manganese minerals can cause emotional chaos.