3D photo viewing of green trees improves mood

The ability to help improve the mood of nature has long been known.Recently, American scientists found that just watching a natural TV show or watching photos of green trees online also helped reduce stress.

>>>Want to be happy, live near parks and trees

Picture 1 of 3D photo viewing of green trees improves mood
Nature improves the mood very well.(Photo: bussorah.tripod.com)

To create a stressful situation to understand the benefits of viewing greenery, the University of Illinois team asked participants (80 men and 78 women) to self-admit a speech that lasted 5 minutes ago. face 2 interviewers and camcorders. Next, they have to solve some calculations except without computers, paper or pencils.

Finally, they were randomly shown one of the 10 footage footage of the same streets in 3D format, in which the density of green trees appears to range from 2-62%. During the trial, experts used a variety of methods to determine the level of stress and restore the mood of participants.

Only 41% of participants said that their mood improved when the density of trees was 2%, but this number was raised to over 90% at 36% of tree density. Meanwhile, those who watch videos with a density of 62% green trees reduce stress by about 60% compared to those watching the 2% video. Therefore, researchers believe that the green spaces in the city need to be preserved.