Drinking green tea is very beneficial for the circulatory system

Drinking green tea quickly improves the endothelial function of the cells of the circulatory system.

Tea (or tea) is associated with a decrease in cardiovascular risk. Flux-Mediated Dilatation (FMD) of the arm artery is related to coronary artery endothelial function and is a predictor of cardiovascular risk.

Picture 1 of Drinking green tea is very beneficial for the circulatory system A group of Greek researchers followed 14 healthy people (mean age 30) and did not have cardiovascular risk factors.

At 3 different times, they consumed 6g of green tea, then 125mg of caffeine (or equivalent to 6g of tea), and finally hot water.

The researchers measured the FMD of the arm artery significantly increased with green tea, with a peak rising 3.69% after 30 minutes. This is not seen with caffeine (1.72% after 30 minutes) or with hot water.

This is the first time it has been proven that consumption of green tea has a short-term positive effect on large arteries, said Dr. Nilolas Alexopoulos and colleagues at Athens Medical University.

A previous study has demonstrated that green tea allows recovery of endothelial dysfunction in smokers.

The researchers explained that green tea is less oxidized when processed. Like black chocolate and red wine, the cardiovascular properties of teas are attributed to flavonoides and their antioxidant ability. The development of scientists is clinically important.

Tea consumption is thought to be significant for reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in many studies.