Distinguish milk whey
In Vietnam, due to the shortage of milk materials for the production of powdered milk and liquid milk, most of them still depend on imports, so there is almost no domestic enterprise involved in producing whey products. Therefore, all kinds of whey present on the market are imported products, including the same category and "portable" goods .
To choose the right kind of whey, quality requires a lot of understanding from parents.
However, it is not always necessary to buy imported milk scum to be assured that children can eat 'standard' milk scoop, because the concept of whipped cream and whey is not yet clearly distinguished in Vietnam. To choose the best quality whey, worthy of investment, parents need to distinguish which whey is the standard whey.
Therefore, just go to the supermarket or go to any convenience store, you will see there are many types of whey which are sold with many origins from different countries and should only choose products from manufacturers. Prestigious export, importation of official and important quality accreditation.
According to experts, only a little trick by pouring two other whey cans to remove a clean white plate, consumers can visually observe the smoothness of the product as well as the amount of scum more than good. More ice cream. In addition, mothers may find that the level of denatured flour in prestigious whey is always low while the 'imported' products of origin do not guarantee the above factor.
According to the world's leading nutrition experts, whey becomes "close friend" of all children aged 6 months and older.
Nutrition experts recommend that parents should only feed their babies with milk from 6 months onwards. The average child from 6 to 12 months can eat 1/2 to 1 box of whey every day. For children over 1 year old, can eat more, from 1-2 boxes per day depending on the ability of children to absorb.
It may be difficult for the baby to eat at first because of the thickening of the milk and the taste may be better, but gradually he will get used to it and eat very well.
For children with anorexia, mothers can combine milk scum with colorful fruits such as strawberry, kiwi . just delicious, attractive, but supplementing with energy and vitamins great.
In fact, whey is a dairy product, separated from the top layer of pure fresh milk through a centrifugal filter system. Normally, from 100kg of fresh milk, only 1.2kg of whey is collected, equivalent to 4,6kg of pure cow's milk to produce a box of 55g - including whey and cream with protein, fat, and mineral ingredients. , trace elements and vitamins A, E, B2 . in which the amount of fat in a box of whey makes up most of the energy that children need. Mothers can use the advice of a nutritionist to achieve maximum effectiveness for the absorption of energy needed for the development of young children.
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