DNA testing helps prevent illness

Each of us sooner or later have to ask the question: how to live healthy, extend youth and produce intelligent followers? Experts say DNA testing will answer this question.

Combining molecular biology and advanced information technology, experts have created the most objective algorithms to judge DNA test results.

Rbc said the purpose of DNA testing is to help us detect the possibility of having or not being able to develop cardiovascular and cancer diseases, obesity and diabetes since the symptoms are not available so that we can soon take action. preventive and treatment measures, and prevent the birth of children with genetic diseases and identify prescriptions exclusively for each patient appropriate for their own bodies.

Picture 1 of DNA testing helps prevent illness

Genetic analysis can also identify individual characteristics in the metabolism of substances, the body's needs for vitamins and trace elements; On that basis, choose diet and nutrition, as well as find appropriate sports exercises for you.

In their research, scientists rely on the experience of the world's leading experts in the field of DNA testing, using the most modern laboratory tools. Genetic expert of the Russian Federal Ministry of Health Peter Novikov said: DNA testing is a unique service to decode DNA by microchip technology. From the test results, experts will study and decode a person's genetic information within a few hours (if 3-4 years ago, to conduct a similar test, even the room The world's leading research also needs a monthly time, sometimes every year).

In addition, along with genetic analysis, scientists analyzed saliva samples that are still considered one of the safest and most reliable methods (99.7% accuracy).

What's new in the genetic analysis method is that it checks for a maximum amount of genes, as well as provides a 'summary' of individual genetic indicators , not only containing DNA test results, but also according to the statements about the results of the leading experts in genetics about people.

It is thought that DNA analysis method is a deeply personal approach for each person based on the overall genetic basis. It creates conditions to improve the quality of life, protect health, youth and beauty for everyone.