Do not eat melon, salted coffee

The truth is melon, is it dangerous to cause poisoning and digestive disorders?

Stimulating digestion

Pickled pickles have the effect of stimulating digestion to help appetite, easy to digest; supplementing beneficial microorganisms for digestive systems such as lactobacillus, acidophilus and plan-tarum; providing a large amount of fiber to the body, limiting some diseases caused by lack of fiber such as hemorrhoids, constipation, colon cancer . But the above benefits are only available when eating the right melon dishes. salt.

Picture 1 of Do not eat melon, salted coffee
Melon, pickled tomato can cause cancer.

Pickled pickles , also known as pickles , are often made to eat immediately during the day, using a moderate amount of sugar and salt mixed with water and can be combined with a little vinegar or lemon juice to make sour. Ingredients (such as artillery, eggplant, cabbage, kohlrabi, carrot, green papaya .) are usually very thin to infuse the spices for a short time, about 1-2 days.

Vegetables, tubers, fruits used to make pickles often have many types of bacteria, including lactic fermentation bacteria, pathogenic bacteria and parasites. In salt and melon environment, pathogenic bacteria live about 9 hours, the parasites do not survive for more than 10 days. In two ways, the pickled salt, if done properly, will eat very well and hygienically. Also salt, because the time is too short and the environment is not enough acid salt so it can not inhibit the development of harmful bacteria.

In addition to the common gastrointestinal infections (diarrhea, bacillary dysentery, cholera, typhoid .), eating a lot of pickles is also at risk of cancer. Because vegetables, tubers and pickled fruits are often applied with urea fertilizer, there is still a significant amount of nitric residue. Nitric into the stomach will combine with meat, fish, crab, fish sauce . to form nitrosamine compound, which many studies have concluded is a potential carcinogen.

Eat safely?

Picture 2 of Do not eat melon, salted coffee
Salted melon must be yellow and fresh and good for health.

Delicious melon is usually yellow, sour, crispy and fragrant. Avoid buying dull melons or strange smells. To have such pickles, it is best to buy clean ingredients for pickled salt at home to ensure food hygiene. Before salt pickling, wash ingredients and salting tools thoroughly. It is necessary to create a good fermentation environment and to maintain hygiene during pickling, to avoid invasion of harmful bacteria. To limit the process of forming nitrosamines in the body, avoid eating pickled vegetables, or pickles that are not enough time, yellow melon, still spicy. Absolutely do not eat pickled melon phenomenon viscosity, dark black, moldy.

Even with pickles, you should not eat too much and often, do not eat on an empty stomach . because salty habits will harm your kidneys, heart and lead to high blood pressure. Should eat with anti-cancer food such as green vegetables, fruits . People with heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach ulcers should not eat pickled pickles because they are high in salt, High digestive enzymes, can cause adverse health complications.