Do not like to eat pork by genetic genes

According to a new study, we do not like to eat pork is not entirely due to taste, but also because of genetic genes.

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According to Duke University researchers (North Caroline, USA), those who have OR7D4 genes, when tasting or smelling pork, will experience unpleasant tastes such as urine, onions, even feces while others do not see that.

The research team conducted the Gene OR7D4 modality test to influence the way we feel the taste of pork, or the smell of Androstenone in meat.

Picture 1 of Do not like to eat pork by genetic genes
Whether you like pork or not is because of genes.

Odor-sensing cells in the nose and mouth receive odor-carrying molecules and transmit signals to the brain to determine how we feel about the smell and taste of pork.

Of the 23 volunteers who participated, 10 people who could not eat pork had different unpleasant feelings about its taste.

The researchers pointed out that these volunteers had up to two OR7D4 genes, while the rest of the participants had only one or none of OR7D4 genes.

Team leader Hiroaki Matsunami said that finding the OR7D4 gene showed a link between the sense of taste and the selection of everyday food.

'Of course there are many more genes and other factors related to food perception,' he explained.

People with certain OR7D4 gene variants are rarely hungry, because this gene correlates with energy consumption and fat.