Pig sedative injections: What is harmful?

A series of recent cases of pigs being sedated before slaughter were found to make people feel insecure.

Is there any harm to immediate and long-term health of eating tranquilized pork? Eating pork with sedation will have a risk of headache, dizziness, digestive disorders, even death as some newspapers mentioned? And is there any way to help housewives not choose the wrong type of meat?

What type of injectable tranquilizer is pork?

The injectable sedative for pigs is acepromazine , similar to aminazin used to treat schizophrenia for humans. In the 50s of the 20th century, acepromazine drugs were used for people to treat schizophrenia, manic-phase emotional disturbances. The drug has a half-life of about 4-5 hours but after 3 days, it can still be found in the patient's urine in the form of traces. The drug is administered orally and intramuscularly. At that time, the symptoms of delusion, hallucinations, language excitement, patient's movements will be reduced.

Picture 1 of Pig sedative injections: What is harmful?
Wet meat, succulent stretches of meat, the ability of meat to contain residues of drugs.

Because people now have many good sedatives, acepromazin is no longer used for humans, but only for animals like horses, dogs, and cats. When used in veterinary medicine, the drug is mainly indicated for cases of animal panic, agitation, loss of control. One can use this medicine as an anesthetic for surgery for animals.

When being injected into pigs for the purpose of making pigs sleep, not struggling, not calling . makes pigs less useful when transporting them to kill, slaughter.

What's harmful to eating health-conscious pork?

Drug concentrations in slaughtered pigs depend on the time of injection (the longer the injection, the lower the concentration of the drug) and the injection dose (the lower the dose, the lower the concentration). When humans eat pork with drugs, the amount of acepromazine available to humans depends on how the meat is made (causing the drug to break down) and the amount of meat we eat. So it can be said that the amount of medicine given to people who eat pork is very low, it is difficult to cause any adverse effects to the human body (unlike antibiotics) immediately, but this needs to be done. because they contribute to the poisoning of every family's meal.

This poisoning takes place on a very large scale because hundreds of thousands of people have eaten "dirty" pork so it is difficult to measure the consequences of the drug. The fact that farmers use tranquilizers to inject pigs before slaughter is very dangerous for consumers' health when ingested, because any drug has the ability to accumulate in living and causing bodies. harm.

Picture 2 of Pig sedative injections: What is harmful?
When processing the meat, it is necessary to remove the first water.

How to identify pork with sedation

Regarding how to identify pork injecting tranquilizers, it is difficult to identify with the senses. Traders often pump water in combination with tranquilizers so when they encounter wet meats, succulent stretches of meat are likely to contain meat residues.

To choose clean, safe meat, the Food Safety Department (Ministry of Health) recommends that housewives choose to buy pork at reputable stores, with a red seal of food safety by authorities power. When choosing meat, choose solid, high elasticity when you press your hand and release your finger to return to normal, the fibers are evenly spaced, no abnormal fluids will come out.

Normally, meat has chemicals when processing often produces more water, more meat loss, less meat flavor and less fragrant natural flavor. Normal pork does not become watery, may even hatch, has a characteristic aroma. In addition, when processing, people pay attention to abandon the first. When boiling and stinking meat, the housewives should resolutely dump it, not to be afraid to easily pick up the disease.