Dolphins have the longest social memory in the animal world

After conducting a lengthy experiment, US scientists can determine the long-term memory of dolphins. The study, published on Aug. 7, shows that this mammal has the longest social memory in the animal kingdom.

To draw that conclusion, scientists from the Chicago Institute of Mind and Biology conducted a special experiment. Accordingly, Bailey's dolphin was isolated from her "girlfriend" Alice for more than 20 years.

However, after such a long time away, Bailey still recognized Alice's signal after American scientists passed those signals back on loudspeakers.

Since then, researchers have confirmed that dolphins have the longest memory in the animal world , the location where elephants with 10-year memory have occupied this to the past.

Picture 1 of Dolphins have the longest social memory in the animal world

Currently US researchers are continuing to conduct follow-up experiments to see if dolphins can recognize their "relatives" when hearing the whistling call or not?

For a long time, scientists around the world have been trying to understand the memory deadline of animals. Earlier, Danish scientists have identified chimpanzees and orangutans who also have a long memory. They remember everything that happened to them in the distant past, moreover, also capable of remembering some things that might not benefit them in the future.

Within three years, researchers from City University of Aarhus (Denmark) observed the behavior of 20 chimpanzees and orangutans.

During the experiment, chimpanzees were trained to use steel wire to take fruits from the box to the back of the cage. After that, the scientists transferred them to another cage and repeated the experiment using steel wire to take fruits in the box for 3 consecutive years.

The results showed that these chimpanzees easily remember how to use 'working tools' to get good food. They can find steel wire hidden in the confinement cage for 5 seconds and quickly use it to get fruit.

According to scientists, this shows that gibbons have long memories like humans, and use memory to solve survival tasks.