Unexpected truth about dolphins that few people know

Even if we love each other, it is unlikely that you will know me well. A little cool dolphin.

Hello! I am a dolphin!

Perhaps among the brothers who have been "aired" , I and some of them are considered to be harmonious. But you really like me, do you? I am kind, gentle, and always looking for ways to help them whenever possible - at least in human narratives.

So in order to strengthen this friendship, I will tell you a few more things about the dolphin family. Dare to make sure that you think you don't understand me yet.

1. Proud to remember the most persistent animal world

Picture 1 of Unexpected truth about dolphins that few people know

You know I'm smart, right? Although it may not be the best, but in terms of agility, this dolphin is also the type of cheek in the animal world.

But what is not the most, please ignore it. The most of my dolphins are in memory: we can remember things in detail with the period from over 20 years ago. In this regard, our dolphins are far above elephants and chimpanzees.

2. Only a few species know mirrors, including my dolphins

Picture 2 of Unexpected truth about dolphins that few people know

Do you know where other human species are? You can look in the mirror and know that it is a virtual image.

In the animal world, not many species can do that. It turns out that there are only a few highly intelligent animals like elephants, crows, chimpanzees, some monkeys . And that's right, this dolphin too.

3. I am not a fish

Picture 3 of Unexpected truth about dolphins that few people know

Perhaps the name "dolphin" could make the men and women misunderstand. But in fact, the dolphin is not a fish, but a beast. We give birth to babies and raise babies with milk, rather than eggs like other fish.

Next time don't mistake!

4. I can drown

Picture 4 of Unexpected truth about dolphins that few people know

Creator is indeed paradoxical. Bring fish sounds because of swimming ability, but we can still die from choking water. It's interesting, so we have to breathe through the lungs - I heard the science doctors say that. Just like you guys, I just drowned in the lungs.

I'm even worse than human. Humans need about 30ml of water in the lungs to die, while dolphins only tolerate 15ml only. Calculated, the amount of water is about . a spoonful of soup.

Because of that, when we give birth, we have to lay out from the front. If the head comes out first, the children die choking. Remembering the old days when she was born, she took me to the surface to breathe immediately.

5. Who are sharks?

Picture 5 of Unexpected truth about dolphins that few people know

Dolphins we are proud to be creatures with very good social organization and solidarity. Why? Ask the sharks.

In nature, sharks are hordes of monsters, our enemies. They often hunt dolphins. But those are just lost children! Many times we teamed up, using the iron-like nose to thrust into the shark, causing them to die.

Another example shows that dolphin society does not lose to any animal, that is, we have a childbirth habit. When a mother is struggling, there will be another mother trying to pull the baby out. Meanwhile, the whole group will swim around to protect them.