Drug dishes for brain workers

The more active the brain is, the more active and valid brainstorming is - not only slowing down the aging process but also helping people to be healthy and long-term.

Picture 1 of Drug dishes for brain workers

Imperial period (Photo: TTO)

However, in long-term intellectual workers, it also leads to labor, mental labor, or thinking more easily to create mental discomfort. So for those who do the hard work of perpetual mediocre mediocrity, the mind of the monks is broken . Therefore, the fostering for the intellectual workers is necessary to nourish the mind, calm the mind, and supplement the gasses .

Please introduce a few dishes that work to restore the health that intellectual workers need to be nutritious in every appropriate time.

Apple ginseng duck: White duck 500g, ginseng 3g, big apple 50g, ginkgo 25g, 10g lotus seed, yellow wine (type of distilled wine;

Ducks clean up the intestines, get lotus seeds, ginkgo, apple flesh, ginseng slices are mixed into the duck's stomach sewn, skin is used by duck to make soy sauce, yellow wine rubs all over the duck, then put into big bowl Leave in an autoclave. Allow the fire to fire for 3 hours until the duck is cooked. Conditionally eat once a week or 1-2 times a month.

Chicken soup, period - location: Royal period 15g, 15g field, chicken 250g, spices just enough. The imperial and local princes put into the bag of litchi tied. Clean chicken meat sliced. Then put the chicken and the medicine bag and pour the cooked water, bring it to a boil, boil it and boil it in a small heat, simmer for 1 hour to take the medicine bag out. Serve separately or with rice. Eat 1-2 times a month, can eat every day.

Lingzhi meat pie: Linh chi 6g, 100g lean pork, 1 chicken egg, spices just used. Spread the lingzhi powder, grind the pureed pork and then add the lingzhi powder and the main noodles and smash the chicken eggs, then put the bowl in a big steamer until it's ripe. Eat up in meals, eat 1-2 times a week.

In the above 3 items, you can choose 1 to suit each person.