Help the brain resist stroke damage

The test to test the safety and efficacy of Tat-NR2B9c - a drug that protects the brain from the impact of stroke, has recorded good results, according to Science Daily.

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Picture 1 of Help the brain resist stroke damage

Dr. Michael Tymianski at the Neurology Center, Toronto Western Hospital (Canada) invented the drug NA-1 (Tat-NR2B9c) to help the brain resist stroke damage.

This drug was randomly tested at many centers in Canada and the United States.

Subjects are mild stroke patients after treatment for cerebral aneurysm. This is a mild ischemic stroke, often occurring in 90% of patients treated with cerebral aneurysm. This type of stroke does not damage the nerves.

In the trial, subjects were randomized to receive Tat-NR2B9c or placebo. Accordingly, the subjects taking Tat-NR2B9c reduced brain damage.

Dr. Michael Hill, Foothills Medical Center and Institute of Brain Hotchkiss of the University of Calgary (Canada), who led the study, said: 'This is a big step in the study of stroke'.

Test results are published in The Lancet Neurolog and Science Translational Medicine.