Device to diagnose stroke in 10 minutes

This new high-tech helmet can save stroke patients by shortening the diagnosis time in just 10 minutes, so treating brain damage can start much sooner.

Helmet detects the cause of stroke in 10 minutes

According to the Daily Mail on June 18, the device is being clinically tested with more than 500 patients at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Sweden), and according to a report by the NHS National Institute, this type of device may soon be introduced. in this year.

Picture 1 of Device to diagnose stroke in 10 minutes
This diagnostic device can find the cause of a stroke in just 10 minutes - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Helmet using microwave technology , can distinguish between two types of stroke due to blood clots and bleeding.

Stroke is the leading cause of neurological disability such as reduced blood supply and oxygen causing irreparable brain damage. About 85% of strokes due to blood clots that hinder blood flow, are called ischemic strokes, the rest are hemorrhagic strokes - ie weak or static arterial bleeding in the brain circuit.

About a quarter of people with a stroke die, and surviving often leaves long-term sequelae such as stuttering or losing memory. In the early stages of a stroke, about 2 million brain cells die every minute, so if the oxygen supply is faster, the chances of recovery are higher.

For ischemic stroke, treatment is mainly thrombolytic drug. But for hemorrhagic stroke, patients needing emergency care focus on blood control, so this type of stroke needs to be identified quickly.

Currently, detecting hemorrhagic stroke takes a long time through CT or MRI scan in hospital. However, with this new device developed by Medfield Diagnostics under the support of Chalmers University (Sweden), it is possible to emit microwaves through brain tissue to detect the type of stroke.