Each person has about 60 gene mutations

When parents give birth, there are about 60 genetic mutations on average in the process of encoding new genes. This number is less than the previous estimate of scientists, meaning that people are evolving more slowly than imagined scientists.

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Genetic mutations help create differences in the appearance and personality of children compared to parents.

Picture 1 of Each person has about 60 gene mutations
Genetic mutations are the motivation for human evolution. Wolverine's werewolf character in X- Men - (Artwork: LiveScience.com).

Scientists say 60 mutant genes may sound like a lot, but that number is less than they expected.

" Previously we estimated that parents would contribute an average of between 100 and 200 'genetic errors per child born ', LiveScience quoted team leader Philip Awadella, a Montreal geneticist.

"Our first study on this issue demonstrated that other errors or variations produced during the reproductive process are less than what scientists still perceive ," Awadella added.

This means that human evolution takes place more slowly than one might think, because genetic modification is the driving force of human evolution.

The rate of mutations in a family that occurs from each parent is different. In a family, 92% of the female gene mutations originate from a father. In another family, 64% originated from the mother. Scientists in this study think that this is a surprise because in the past, it was conceived that most genetic mutations originated from fathers.

According to Nature Genetics , newly developed techniques will continue to serve this study, answering the next questions in the process of discovering human evolution. For example, how does parental age affect the number of mutations that occur in children? Or why the habitat, especially the toxic living conditions, strongly affects the incidence of these mutations.