10 types of gene mutations are most common in humans

Your genome set is usually 49.99% like everyone else. But there are a few mutations that you can create, or you may be their victims. Genetic mutations, only a few are beneficial, the rest are disadvantageous.

What is gene mutation?

Genetic mutations are changes in the structure of genes that occur at the molecular level at some point in the DNA molecule and are related to changes in the number, composition, order of nucleotide pairs in the gene. . There are many types of genetic structure changes.

Common types of gene mutations in humans

1. Being bald is very common in men, but scientists still do not know this symptom. They only knew that baldness was the result of mutations of some genes in either, or even the parents.

Picture 1 of 10 types of gene mutations are most common in humans

2. One of the rare genetic mutations in Chinese people can help them drink milk and eat other dairy products. Historically, the fact that Chinese people never touch milk is often thought of as a cultural characteristic. It was not until the 60s of the twentieth century that many people were found in East Asia and Southeast Asia, as well as in Africa with no use of dairy foods. During the past 10,000 years, this (mutually beneficial) gene mutation only occurred widely in areas specializing in dairy farming (cows and goats).

3. Having pimples is also inherited in the family. If your parents often have acne, you are also at high risk of getting acne.

4. A mutant of beneficial genes (or harm, depending on the case) is also the " fertility " of the woman. Their children, ie twins with eggs , sometimes have it. But other egg twins are repeated over generations.

This is because a gene causes multiple ovulation during a woman's menstrual period.

Men with this gene cannot always have twins, because that depends on women. But if their daughters were to inherit that gene from their father, they could also have twins. That's why twins or dance ways through generations of families.

5. Heart disease, diabetes, stroke or high blood pressure are all inherited. Parents who suffer from one of these diseases, their children are also hardly fortunate to stand outside.

Picture 2 of 10 types of gene mutations are most common in humans

6. There have been many studies suggesting that obesity is a genetic disease. These genes were very beneficial for our ancestors, because they created a mechanism of ' hoarding ' during periods of food scarcity. But today, those famine times are gone. Therefore, obesity cases are caused by eating too many ' unhealthy foods '.

7. In men, there is a gene that regulates their aggressive aggression but is not related to acts like theft. But in women, theft is related to genetic factors.

8. There are 10 million men in the United States who are color blind . These people cannot distinguish red from blue. But less than 600,000 women in the United States have this disease. The reason is that the mutation only occurs on the X chromosome.

In the male genome there is an X chromosome, so mutations on one chromosome alone are enough to cause the above symptom. But for women, they have up to two X chromosomes, so mutations must occur in both chromosomes to prevent them from getting a green light with a red light on the street.

9. There is growing evidence of a link between breast cancer and certain genes. People with that mutant gene often develop cancer earlier than other patients. Similar mutations also increase the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and other cancers in men.

10. Genetics is a factor that accounts for 50% of the risk of alcoholism in each person. But the environment also plays a rather important role. There are several types of genes that lead to this risk, but their effects are different in each individual.