Hair loss is one of the most worrying problems for people, especially those after middle age. There are many causes of hair loss such as: endocrine, blood ...
Cosmetologists are beginning to adopt a new method to treat baldness, using the patient's own blood.
Researchers from Yale University (USA) have successfully used arthritis medications to help grow hair and body hair of a man almost completely bald.
Going through emotional distressing events, such as heart failure, can cause women to lose hair, even severe baldness.
94% of men interviewed said they were most worried about having baldness, exceeding the figure of 89%, obsessed about having problems in their relationship ...
In addition to their inferiority mentality, men now bear new fears when the online journal BMJ Open on April 3 published research showing that bald people are at higher risk of
Topical bald cream may appear on the market sooner than expected due to a breakthrough in negotiations between scientists and pharmaceutical companies.
According to the new study, 11% of 61 people who used finasteride had mild depression symptoms, 28% had moderate symptoms and 36% had severe depression. In particular, 44% of
Men with baldness may face a high risk of prostate cancer, according to a new Canadian study. The survey results from the University of Toronto (Canada) found a connection between
Japanese scientists announced on April 18 that they had succeeded in cultivating rats for experimental mice by implanting hair follicles made from stem cells. Research opens hope