Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Surely, when you first see this bird, you will think that this is a person wearing a Cosplay costume or dreaming rather than Pokemon, instead of a real eagle.

Surely, when you first see this bird, you will think that this is a person wearing a Cosplay costume or dreaming rather than Pokemon, instead of a real eagle.

Picture 1 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

The Harpy eagleis the largest eagle in the Americas and it is currently ranked among the top in the size of the eagle world.Specifically, as an adult, the Harpy eagle reaches 1 meter high, possesses a wingspan of 1.76 to 2.24 meters.However, because of being a bird, despite its massive body, their weight is only in the range of 6 - 9kg for females and 4-4.8kg for males.

Picture 2 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

In terms of appearance, Harpy eagles have black backs, white bellies and most especially they have hairs on the crown, creating a very interesting appearance.

Picture 3 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Also because of their strange appearance and sometimes quite funny, this bird is really a star of social networks.Accordingly, with just one photo posted, Harpy eagle can immediately attract hundreds of thousands of views and many thousands of interactions.

Picture 4 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Harpy eagles are the largest and most powerful raptors we can find in tropical rainforests in the world. Contrary to his humorous form, Harpy is a 'cold-blooded' predator equipped with giant claws, and likes to eat large prey such as monkeys, sloths, snakes, or lizards.However, we can still breathe a sigh of relief because people are not on this list.

Picture 5 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Deforestation is also a direct threat to the survival of the Harpy eagle.Despite being an American eagle, at the present time, it is almost impossible to find a Harpy eagle in Central America.

Picture 6 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Invite readers to also admire more images of eagles with this interesting appearance:

Picture 7 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Picture 8 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Picture 9 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Picture 10 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Picture 11 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Picture 12 of Eagles are so strange in appearance that everyone believes that they are ... masquerade

Update 14 October 2019



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