Eating a lot of ginger jam can cause you to have this dangerous disease

Ginger jam is the oldest and most popular jam in Vietnamese Tet. However, few people know that this type of jam also contains risks to the health of users.

Ginger jam is the oldest and most popular jam in Vietnamese Tet. However, few people know that this type of jam also contains risks to the health of users.

Ginger jam and undeniable effects

Ginger jam has long been a popular delicacy, often appearing in the Tet holidays of the North. A plate of fresh, warm golden ginger jam on hot tea cups seems to have become a familiar image to the people of Tonkin.

Not only is it loved by the spicy sweetness, but ginger jam is also paid special attention to the benefits it brings to the user's health.

Ginger jam has the effect of detoxifying, anti-vomiting, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain due to inadequate eating, prevention of respiratory infections (sore throat, coughing loss of speech). Eat from 10 - 15g daily to warm people, stimulate digestion.

Picture 1 of Eating a lot of ginger jam can cause you to have this dangerous disease

Ginger jam has the effect of detoxifying, anti-vomiting, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain due to inadequate eating.

Besides, many studies have shown that ginger is an indispensable ingredient in many remedies because of its excellent therapeutic benefits. Ginger relieves pain, is anti-inflammatory, is valuable in the treatment of arthritis, headache and menstrual cramps, rhinovirus inhibition is a cold-causing virus.

In addition, ginger also inhibits bacteria such as Salmonella, causing diarrhea and protozoa such as Trichomonas (vaginal flagellum). In the digestive tract, ginger reduces flatulence and painful spasms.

Less known harms of ginger

Although used in many remedies, ginger can still have serious health effects that few people know as follows:

Blood thinning

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has shown that ginger is thought to have the same effect as aspirin . They can affect blood clotting , making this process slower and potentially even causing blood thinning. It can be said, this is one of the serious threats for patients who are using anticoagulants.

In addition, the heat of ginger can also break blood vessels, so people with a history of bleeding disorders such as nosebleeds, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids should not eat ginger to avoid more serious disease. .

Picture 2 of Eating a lot of ginger jam can cause you to have this dangerous disease

Ginger can affect blood clotting, making this process slower and potentially even causing blood thinning.


The use of ginger in high doses can cause a fast heartbeat. Research results show that excessive use of ginger for a long time, especially in the form of carbonated drinks (ginger beer) can cause arrhythmia.

Causes irritation and drying of the skin

Dry and itchy skin is also one of the side effects of excessive use of ginger preparations. This condition usually starts on the face and then spreads to other areas of the body.


Many studies have shown that ginger is capable of causing some allergic reactions such as breathing difficulties, airway obstruction, swelling of the lips, tongue, rash or urticaria. If you fall into these categories, you need to stop using ginger and go to the hospital for a closer examination.

Picture 3 of Eating a lot of ginger jam can cause you to have this dangerous disease

Ginger is capable of causing some allergic reactions such as swelling in the lips, tongue, rash or urticaria.

Dried dried ginger to make jam will dehydrate, making the component of gingerol (the only chemical compound in ginger) transformed into shoagol . Shoagol is twice as hot as gingerol, so people with sunstroke or people with high body temperature should limit eating dry ginger preparations, such as ginger jam.

In addition, ginger jam as well as other jams, contain a large amount of sugar (accounting for nearly 60%) so should not be used too much, especially those with a history of diabetes.

Although the side effects of ginger are very rare, it is also a problem that needs to be taken care of and taken care of to ensure safety.

Update 15 December 2018



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