Eating supplements against cancer

Eating supplement can prevent cancer. It is a recent study by scientists. In figs containing glucose, saccarose, quinic acid, shikimic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid, Picture 1 of Eating supplements against cancer auxin, microelements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium . and some vitamins like C, B1 . can prevent cancer and are very good for the body.

According to Oriental medicine, figs are sweet, average, are a precious medicine and cure many diseases with a fairly simple way.

- Cough: Freshly ripened figs 50-100g peeled peeled, cooked with porridge, divided several times a day. You can add a few raisins or alum sugar to make it easier to eat. Very effective effect.

- Hen bronchial: Freshly cleaned, crushed and crushed to take juice once a day.

- Constipation: Sung ripe every 3-5 fruits. This is a fairly effective folk remedy.

- Inflammation, arthralgia: Freshly dried 2-3 fruits, then dusted and coated with chicken eggs. In addition, figs contain amino acids, which are believed to help enhance sexual activity and increase endurance intensity in each person.

In addition, from figs we can process into very delicious and nutritious dishes such as: fish stock, green figs eat salads, sour salt fills and jars, figs and baskets .