Effective anti-obesity from cinnamon

Not only is known as an indispensable spice in processing some dishes, cinnamon also brings many unexpected health benefits, especially anti-effective use.

Picture 1 of Effective anti-obesity from cinnamon
Cinnamon is effective in fighting obesity.

According to a study published by the University of Michigan (USA) on November 22, scientists have discovered cinnamaldehyde , an essential oil that gives cinnamon aroma, which improves metabolism by acting directly on fat cells, also called fat-producing cells , stimulating them to burn energy through heat production.

Specifically, researchers have conducted experiments in volunteers of different ages, ethnicities and body indicators. The results show an increase in the level of influence of some genes and enzymes that promote fat metabolism (lipid) when fat cells are exposed to cinnamaldehyde compounds. In addition, they also noted an increase in Ucp1 and Fgf21 , two key proteins that control metabolism involved in heat production.

According to researchers, for thousands of years, cinnamon has become an important spice in human diets, and in fact most people like to enjoy this spice. Therefore, they hope to use cinnamon in the treatment of obesity may bring a more effective approach because patients are more likely to follow the treatment.