Effective way to treat osteoporosis

US scientists say bone fractures can be patched quickly thanks to a new method to deliver drugs directly to the affected area.

Chemists and biological engineers at Pennsylvania State University and Boston (USA) say, it is possible to use the energy emitted from a fracture to re-supply nanoparticles, helping them move "fire speed "to crack and pump medicine.

Picture 1 of Effective way to treat osteoporosis
Exercise reduces risk of osteoporosis - (Photo: Shutterstock)

'When a crack appears on the bone surface, it breaks down minerals in the bone, leaking charged particles like ions, generating electric fields and drawing nano-charged particles towards the crack' , according to Nanowerk. from Professor Ayusman Sen of the University of Pennsylvania.

"Our experiments show that a biocompatible particle can naturally carry a bone-healing drug naturally and quickly to the broken bone ," he explained.

The formation of such an electric field is a phenomenon that has been known for a long time, but has never been used as an energy source to actively take drugs to face the risk of fracture or conditions such as Osteoporosis.

This approach overcomes weaknesses in current therapies. Accordingly, pharmaceuticals are passively passed through the blood circulation, and the drug may not reach tiny cracks with enough dosage to heal the bone.