Evidence shows that humans are declining intelligence

Scientists warn, technology may be getting smarter, but on the contrary, people become more and more ignorant. Evidence for this has been drawn from a new study.

Revealed evidence, IQ of people in England, Denmark and Australia is declining in the past decade.

Specifically, an IQ test to determine whether or not Danish citizens meet military service standards has shown that the results have dropped by 1.5 points since 1998. Standard tests in the UK and Australia also yielded similar results.

Picture 1 of Evidence shows that humans are declining intelligence
The average IQ of the world changes over time.(Photo: Daily Mail)

Experts have yet to agree on whether this trend will take place long term. However, some researchers believe that humanity is becoming less and less intelligent because we have reached an intellectual peak.

Between the mid-1930s and the 1980s, the average IQ in the US increased by 3 points and in Denmark and Japan after the war also increased significantly. This trend is known as the 'Flynn effect'.

According to Dr. James Flynn of Otago University (New Zealand), who discovered and named the effect, such increased intelligence stemmed from improved living conditions and nutrition, as well as better education status.

Now, some experts believe, we are beginning to see the end of the Flynn effect in developed countries, and that, IQ is not sustaining but begins to decline.

Scientists including Dr. Flynn believe that better education can reverse the trend and emphasize that the current recession may be temporary. However, other scientists are not so optimistic.

Some experts insisted, the Flynn effect hid the degradation of the genetic background for intelligence. So, while more and more people are reaching their maximum potential, this potential threshold has been declining.

Some other researchers even say, this may be because educated people are deciding to have fewer children, so the next generation mainly consists of less intelligent people.

Psychologist Richard Lynn from the University of Ulster (England) has calculated the degradation of the genetic potential of humans. Using world-wide average IQ results from 1950 to 2000, he found, our minds are generally falling by 1 IQ point.

If the trend continues, the human species will lose another 1.3 points of IQ by 2050, the researcher said.