Computers will take over humans once they learn how to love

The famous American inventor Ray Kurzweil, who has always had very accurate future predictions about the technology, predicted that the computer would be equal, or able to surpass human intelligence in 2029.

The way that computers can take over humanity is that they must possess the same emotions and personality as humans.

Kurzweil said in an event in New York: "My prediction is that the intelligence of computers will reach the level of humanity, I don't mean it will be smart to have logical thoughts. On the contrary, computers will possess humorous sense of humankind, can express affection . that is the most advanced of human intellect. "

Picture 1 of Computers will take over humans once they learn how to love
Kurzweii predicts that computers will be as smart as humans.

Ray Kurzweil discussed the future technology and artificial intelligence with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

When Tyson asked him again if someday computers would be able to write a novel of Nobel Prize, and even replace humanity to receive the Nobel Prize?

Kurzweil replied, " We will combine computers into humans, Tyson ."

So how to combine? In the future, we will design cells of the size Nanobot and implant into human brain. These tiny Nanobots will be connected to the global internet and help us to update different skills. Kurzweil also predicts that we will also be able to modify genes like computers to be able to cure diseases.

Picture 2 of Computers will take over humans once they learn how to love
Nanobot implant technology into human brain cells.

CNNMoney asked Kurzweil: " So in a future technological development will there still exist inequalities? Will these super brainstormed minds be limited to the rich? "

Kurzweil replied: " Sure, like a mobile phone, only rich people can access advanced technology. "

But every industry is geared towards products for the vast majority of users to use. Technology will certainly become cheaper and cheaper as computer manufacturers are constantly exploring and developing new products.

Kurzweil added: " Nanobot products will soon reach everyone. Gradually technology will have to reach universalization, whereby the price will have to be cheaper. "

Even Kurzweil predicted that artificial intelligence would be a substitute for most of today's workers , but he still predicted an optimistic perspective on human employment.

But the question for Kurzweil is that in the future what people will do when they are replaced by artificial intelligence is still being left open. After all, no one can predict the future of humanity.

The most predictable word of Kurzweil is: " The Nanobot in our brain will create a new sense. Like now when Music stimulates our hearing, good food stimulates taste. I feel so. "

Picture 3 of Computers will take over humans once they learn how to love
The era of artificial intelligence.

He added: " We will create a new art form that will stimulate our new senses. "

In addition to the utilities that technology brings us in the future, surely the issue of privacy will also have to be considered. The recent affair of Apple and the FBI is also a wake-up call for human privacy in the technology era.

But Kurzweil believes that in the future, technology will evolve, security encryption will have to follow suit.